The table below lists the most recent polls (less than 90 days old) registered and analyzed so far.
Period | Polling firm/Commissioner(s) | LVŽS | TS-LKD | LSDP | LRLS | TT | LLRA | DP | LŽP | LCP | LS | LSDDP | LP | LT | SMC |
27 March 2017 | General Election | 22.4% 54 |
22.6% 31 |
15.0% 17 |
9.4% 14 |
7.8% 8 |
5.7% 8 |
4.9% 2 |
2.0% 0 |
6.3% 1 |
1.8% 1 |
0.0% 0 |
0.0% 0 |
2.2% 0 |
0.0% 71 |
N/A | Poll Average | 14–25% 12–21 |
16–35% 13–31 |
10–16% 9–13 |
5–10% 0–9 |
N/A N/A |
1–7% 0–5 |
7–13% 6–12 |
0–2% 0 |
1–4% 0 |
0–1% 0 |
2–5% 0–5 |
3–8% 0–7 |
3–9% 0–7 |
N/A 71 |
17–27 September 2020 | Baltijos tyrimai ELTA |
21–26% 17–21 |
15–20% 12–16 |
12–16% 10–13 |
7–11% 6–9 |
N/A N/A |
4–7% 0–6 |
7–11% 6–9 |
0–1% 0 |
2–4% 0 |
N/A N/A |
2–4% 0 |
2–5% 0 |
6–10% 5–8 |
N/A 71 |
4–12 September 2020 | Vilmorus Lietuvos rytas |
19–24% 16–22 |
18–23% 16–22 |
10–14% 9–13 |
6–9% 6–9 |
N/A N/A |
2–5% 0 |
10–14% 9–13 |
1–3% 0 |
2–4% 0 |
N/A N/A |
3–6% 0–5 |
2–5% 0 |
4–7% 0–6 |
N/A 71 |
26 August–4 September 2020 | Spinter tyrimai Delfi |
17–22% 15–21 |
19–24% 17–23 |
11–15% 9–14 |
5–8% 0–7 |
N/A N/A |
3–6% 0–5 |
7–11% 6–10 |
N/A N/A |
2–5% 0 |
N/A N/A |
3–5% 0 |
5–9% 5–8 |
3–6% 0–5 |
N/A 71 |
29 July–31 August 2020 | Norstat LRT |
13–18% 11–16 |
30–36% 25–31 |
11–15% 10–13 |
5–8% 0–7 |
N/A N/A |
1–2% 0 |
6–9% 5–8 |
1–2% 0 |
1–2% 0 |
0–1% 0 |
3–5% 0–4 |
5–8% 0–7 |
2–5% 0 |
N/A 71 |
27 March 2017 | General Election | 22.4% 54 |
22.6% 31 |
15.0% 17 |
9.4% 14 |
7.8% 8 |
5.7% 8 |
4.9% 2 |
2.0% 0 |
6.3% 1 |
1.8% 1 |
0.0% 0 |
0.0% 0 |
2.2% 0 |
0.0% 71 |
Only polls for which at least the sample size has been published are included in the table above.
- Top half of each row: Voting intentions (95% confidence interval)
- Bottom half of each row: Seat projections for the Seimas (95% confidence interval)
- LVŽS: Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga
- TS-LKD: Tėvynės sąjunga–Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai
- LSDP: Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija
- LRLS: Liberalų Sąjūdis
- TT: Partija tvarka ir teisingumas
- LLRA: Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija
- DP: Darbo Partija
- LŽP: Lietuvos Žaliųjų Partija
- LCP: Centro partija „Gerovės Lietuva“
- LS: Politinė partija “Lietuvos sąrašas”
- LSDDP: Lietuvos socialdemokratų darbo partija
- LP: Laisvės partija
- LT: Partija „Laisvė ir teisingumas“
- SMC: Single-member constituencies
- N/A (single party): Party not included the published results
- N/A (entire row): Calculation for this opinion poll not started yet