Opinion Poll by Respons Analyse for Bergens Tidende and VG, 9–14 June 2021

Voting Intentions | Seats | Coalitions | Technical Information

Voting Intentions

Graph with voting intentions not yet produced

Confidence Intervals

Party Last Result Poll Result 80% Confidence Interval 90% Confidence Interval 95% Confidence Interval 99% Confidence Interval
Arbeiderpartiet 27.4% 23.6% 21.9–25.4% 21.5–25.9% 21.1–26.3% 20.3–27.2%
Høyre 25.0% 21.4% 19.8–23.1% 19.4–23.6% 19.0–24.1% 18.2–24.9%
Senterpartiet 10.3% 18.2% 16.7–19.8% 16.3–20.3% 15.9–20.7% 15.2–21.5%
Fremskrittspartiet 15.2% 10.5% 9.3–11.8% 9.0–12.2% 8.7–12.6% 8.2–13.2%
Sosialistisk Venstreparti 6.0% 8.2% 7.2–9.4% 6.9–9.8% 6.6–10.1% 6.2–10.7%
Rødt 2.4% 4.5% 3.8–5.5% 3.6–5.7% 3.4–6.0% 3.0–6.5%
Miljøpartiet De Grønne 3.2% 3.7% 3.0–4.6% 2.9–4.8% 2.7–5.1% 2.4–5.5%
Kristelig Folkeparti 4.2% 3.3% 2.7–4.1% 2.5–4.4% 2.4–4.6% 2.1–5.0%
Venstre 4.4% 2.8% 2.2–3.6% 2.1–3.8% 1.9–4.0% 1.7–4.4%

Note: The poll result column reflects the actual value used in the calculations. Published results may vary slightly, and in addition be rounded to fewer digits.


Graph with seats not yet produced

Graph with seating plan not yet produced

Confidence Intervals

Party Last Result Median 80% Confidence Interval 90% Confidence Interval 95% Confidence Interval 99% Confidence Interval
Arbeiderpartiet 49 44 41–47 40–48 39–49 38–50
Høyre 45 39 35–42 34–43 34–44 33–47
Senterpartiet 19 34 31–37 30–37 29–39 28–40
Fremskrittspartiet 27 19 16–21 16–23 15–23 14–25
Sosialistisk Venstreparti 11 15 12–17 12–18 12–19 10–20
Rødt 1 8 2–10 2–10 2–11 2–12
Miljøpartiet De Grønne 1 3 2–8 1–9 1–9 1–10
Kristelig Folkeparti 8 2 1–7 1–8 1–8 1–9
Venstre 8 2 1–2 1–2 1–3 0–8


For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Arbeiderpartiet page.

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
36 0.1% 100%  
37 0.2% 99.9%  
38 0.6% 99.7%  
39 2% 99.1%  
40 5% 97%  
41 9% 93%  
42 13% 84%  
43 12% 71%  
44 31% 59% Median
45 10% 29%  
46 7% 19%  
47 5% 12%  
48 2% 7%  
49 3% 5% Last Result
50 0.7% 1.2%  
51 0.3% 0.5%  
52 0.1% 0.2%  
53 0.1% 0.1%  
54 0% 0%  


For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Høyre page.

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
31 0% 100%  
32 0.3% 99.9%  
33 0.7% 99.6%  
34 5% 99.0%  
35 9% 94%  
36 7% 85%  
37 8% 78%  
38 18% 70%  
39 11% 52% Median
40 18% 41%  
41 9% 23%  
42 6% 14%  
43 3% 8%  
44 3% 5%  
45 0.9% 2% Last Result
46 0.5% 1.2%  
47 0.6% 0.7%  
48 0.1% 0.1%  
49 0% 0%  


For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Senterpartiet page.

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
19 0% 100% Last Result
20 0% 100%  
21 0% 100%  
22 0% 100%  
23 0% 100%  
24 0% 100%  
25 0% 100%  
26 0.1% 100%  
27 0.3% 99.9%  
28 0.8% 99.6%  
29 1.4% 98.8%  
30 3% 97%  
31 4% 94%  
32 5% 90%  
33 26% 85%  
34 19% 59% Median
35 15% 40%  
36 11% 25%  
37 10% 15%  
38 2% 5%  
39 2% 3%  
40 0.3% 0.7%  
41 0.3% 0.4%  
42 0.1% 0.1%  
43 0% 0%  


For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Fremskrittspartiet page.

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
13 0.2% 100%  
14 2% 99.8%  
15 2% 98%  
16 13% 96%  
17 14% 83%  
18 14% 69%  
19 17% 55% Median
20 19% 38%  
21 10% 19%  
22 4% 9%  
23 3% 5%  
24 1.0% 2%  
25 0.6% 0.7%  
26 0.1% 0.1%  
27 0% 0% Last Result

Sosialistisk Venstreparti

For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Sosialistisk Venstreparti page.

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
9 0.1% 100%  
10 0.7% 99.9%  
11 1.3% 99.2% Last Result
12 12% 98%  
13 12% 86%  
14 18% 74%  
15 28% 56% Median
16 15% 28%  
17 7% 13%  
18 3% 6%  
19 2% 3%  
20 0.4% 0.5%  
21 0.1% 0.1%  
22 0% 0%  


For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Rødt page.

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
1 0.1% 100% Last Result
2 19% 99.9%  
3 0.1% 80%  
4 0% 80%  
5 0% 80%  
6 1.4% 80%  
7 15% 79%  
8 33% 64% Median
9 15% 30%  
10 10% 15%  
11 4% 5%  
12 1.0% 1.1%  
13 0.1% 0.1%  
14 0% 0%  

Miljøpartiet De Grønne

For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Miljøpartiet De Grønne page.

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
1 6% 100% Last Result
2 40% 94%  
3 11% 53% Median
4 6% 42%  
5 0% 36%  
6 1.4% 36%  
7 11% 35%  
8 18% 24%  
9 5% 6%  
10 0.9% 1.0%  
11 0.1% 0.1%  
12 0% 0%  

Kristelig Folkeparti

For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Kristelig Folkeparti page.

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
0 0.4% 100%  
1 35% 99.6%  
2 26% 65% Median
3 27% 39%  
4 0% 12%  
5 0% 12%  
6 0.5% 12%  
7 4% 11%  
8 6% 7% Last Result
9 0.6% 0.7%  
10 0.1% 0.1%  
11 0% 0%  


For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Venstre page.

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
0 0.9% 100%  
1 9% 99.1%  
2 85% 90% Median
3 2% 4%  
4 0.2% 2%  
5 0% 2%  
6 0.4% 2%  
7 1.0% 2%  
8 0.8% 0.9% Last Result
9 0.1% 0.1%  
10 0% 0%  


Graph with coalitions seats not yet produced

Confidence Intervals

Coalition Last Result Median Majority? 80% Confidence Interval 90% Confidence Interval 95% Confidence Interval 99% Confidence Interval
Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet – Sosialistisk Venstreparti – Rødt – Miljøpartiet De Grønne 81 104 100% 99–109 97–110 95–111 93–113
Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet – Sosialistisk Venstreparti – Rødt 80 99 100% 95–105 93–107 92–108 89–109
Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet – Sosialistisk Venstreparti – Miljøpartiet De Grønne – Kristelig Folkeparti 88 99 100% 94–104 93–106 92–107 89–109
Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet – Sosialistisk Venstreparti – Miljøpartiet De Grønne 80 97 99.9% 92–101 91–103 89–105 87–106
Høyre – Senterpartiet – Fremskrittspartiet – Kristelig Folkeparti – Venstre 107 96 100% 91–101 90–103 90–104 87–108
Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet – Sosialistisk Venstreparti 79 92 99.2% 89–98 87–99 86–100 84–102
Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet – Miljøpartiet De Grønne – Kristelig Folkeparti 77 85 54% 79–89 78–91 77–93 74–94
Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet – Kristelig Folkeparti 76 80 16% 76–86 75–87 74–87 71–90
Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet 68 78 0.7% 74–82 73–83 72–84 70–86
Arbeiderpartiet – Sosialistisk Venstreparti – Rødt – Miljøpartiet De Grønne 62 69 0% 64–75 63–76 61–77 60–79
Høyre – Fremskrittspartiet – Miljøpartiet De Grønne – Kristelig Folkeparti – Venstre 89 66 0% 61–71 60–73 59–74 57–76
Høyre – Fremskrittspartiet – Kristelig Folkeparti – Venstre 88 61 0% 58–68 56–68 55–70 54–73
Høyre – Fremskrittspartiet – Venstre 80 59 0% 55–64 54–66 53–67 51–70
Arbeiderpartiet – Sosialistisk Venstreparti 60 58 0% 55–62 54–64 53–65 51–67
Høyre – Fremskrittspartiet 72 57 0% 53–62 52–64 51–65 49–68
Høyre – Kristelig Folkeparti – Venstre 61 43 0% 40–47 38–49 38–50 37–53
Senterpartiet – Kristelig Folkeparti – Venstre 35 38 0% 35–43 35–44 34–45 32–47

Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet – Sosialistisk Venstreparti – Rødt – Miljøpartiet De Grønne

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
81 0% 100% Last Result
82 0% 100%  
83 0% 100%  
84 0% 100%  
85 0% 100% Majority
86 0% 100%  
87 0% 100%  
88 0% 100%  
89 0% 100%  
90 0.1% 100%  
91 0.1% 99.9%  
92 0.2% 99.8%  
93 0.3% 99.6%  
94 0.5% 99.3%  
95 2% 98.9%  
96 2% 97%  
97 2% 95%  
98 2% 93%  
99 4% 91%  
100 4% 87%  
101 13% 82%  
102 5% 69%  
103 6% 64%  
104 11% 58% Median
105 9% 47%  
106 11% 38%  
107 6% 27%  
108 10% 22%  
109 5% 12%  
110 4% 7%  
111 2% 3%  
112 0.4% 1.1%  
113 0.2% 0.6%  
114 0.3% 0.4%  
115 0.1% 0.1%  
116 0% 0%  

Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet – Sosialistisk Venstreparti – Rødt

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
80 0% 100% Last Result
81 0% 100%  
82 0% 100%  
83 0% 100%  
84 0% 100%  
85 0% 100% Majority
86 0.1% 100%  
87 0% 99.9%  
88 0.2% 99.8%  
89 0.2% 99.6%  
90 0.4% 99.4%  
91 0.4% 99.0%  
92 1.3% 98.6%  
93 4% 97%  
94 2% 93%  
95 4% 91%  
96 5% 87%  
97 11% 82%  
98 8% 71%  
99 13% 62%  
100 11% 49%  
101 7% 38% Median
102 9% 32%  
103 8% 22%  
104 4% 14%  
105 3% 10%  
106 1.1% 8%  
107 3% 6%  
108 3% 4%  
109 0.5% 0.9%  
110 0.3% 0.4%  
111 0% 0.1%  
112 0% 0%  

Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet – Sosialistisk Venstreparti – Miljøpartiet De Grønne – Kristelig Folkeparti

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
87 0.1% 100%  
88 0.2% 99.9% Last Result
89 0.2% 99.7%  
90 0.6% 99.4%  
91 1.0% 98.8%  
92 1.0% 98%  
93 3% 97%  
94 7% 94%  
95 4% 87%  
96 5% 83%  
97 11% 78%  
98 9% 67% Median
99 12% 58%  
100 6% 46%  
101 8% 41%  
102 13% 32%  
103 4% 19%  
104 6% 15%  
105 3% 9%  
106 4% 7%  
107 2% 3%  
108 0.7% 1.4%  
109 0.5% 0.8%  
110 0.1% 0.3%  
111 0.1% 0.1%  
112 0% 0.1%  
113 0% 0.1%  
114 0% 0%  

Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet – Sosialistisk Venstreparti – Miljøpartiet De Grønne

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
80 0% 100% Last Result
81 0% 100%  
82 0% 100%  
83 0% 100%  
84 0% 100%  
85 0.1% 99.9% Majority
86 0.1% 99.8%  
87 0.5% 99.7%  
88 1.0% 99.2%  
89 0.9% 98%  
90 2% 97%  
91 3% 96%  
92 4% 92%  
93 8% 88%  
94 10% 80%  
95 9% 70%  
96 7% 61% Median
97 7% 53%  
98 14% 47%  
99 6% 33%  
100 13% 27%  
101 5% 14%  
102 3% 9%  
103 1.5% 5%  
104 2% 4%  
105 2% 3%  
106 0.5% 0.7%  
107 0.1% 0.2%  
108 0.1% 0.1%  
109 0% 0%  

Høyre – Senterpartiet – Fremskrittspartiet – Kristelig Folkeparti – Venstre

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
85 0.1% 100% Majority
86 0.1% 99.9%  
87 0.3% 99.8%  
88 0.9% 99.5%  
89 0.9% 98.6%  
90 5% 98%  
91 6% 93%  
92 3% 87%  
93 5% 84%  
94 13% 78%  
95 14% 65%  
96 9% 51% Median
97 6% 42%  
98 8% 36%  
99 5% 27%  
100 8% 22%  
101 6% 15%  
102 3% 9%  
103 2% 6%  
104 1.2% 4%  
105 0.9% 2%  
106 0.7% 2%  
107 0.2% 0.8% Last Result
108 0.4% 0.6%  
109 0.2% 0.3%  
110 0.1% 0.1%  
111 0% 0%  

Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet – Sosialistisk Venstreparti

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
79 0% 100% Last Result
80 0% 100%  
81 0.1% 100%  
82 0% 99.9%  
83 0.1% 99.9%  
84 0.6% 99.7%  
85 1.4% 99.2% Majority
86 1.4% 98%  
87 2% 96%  
88 3% 94%  
89 7% 91%  
90 9% 84%  
91 17% 75%  
92 16% 58%  
93 8% 42% Median
94 7% 34%  
95 10% 27%  
96 5% 17%  
97 2% 13%  
98 5% 10%  
99 3% 5%  
100 2% 3%  
101 0.1% 1.1%  
102 0.7% 1.0%  
103 0.1% 0.3%  
104 0.1% 0.1%  
105 0% 0.1%  
106 0% 0%  

Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet – Miljøpartiet De Grønne – Kristelig Folkeparti

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
72 0% 100%  
73 0.3% 99.9%  
74 0.2% 99.6%  
75 0.3% 99.4%  
76 0.7% 99.1%  
77 2% 98% Last Result
78 2% 97%  
79 6% 95%  
80 4% 89%  
81 5% 85%  
82 9% 80%  
83 11% 72% Median
84 6% 60%  
85 12% 54% Majority
86 5% 42%  
87 14% 37%  
88 8% 23%  
89 6% 15%  
90 4% 10%  
91 1.2% 5%  
92 1.1% 4%  
93 1.3% 3%  
94 1.2% 2%  
95 0.3% 0.5%  
96 0.1% 0.2%  
97 0.1% 0.1%  
98 0% 0%  

Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet – Kristelig Folkeparti

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
69 0% 100%  
70 0.1% 99.9%  
71 0.5% 99.8%  
72 0.4% 99.4%  
73 0.9% 99.0%  
74 1.0% 98%  
75 3% 97%  
76 4% 94% Last Result
77 8% 90%  
78 8% 82%  
79 17% 74%  
80 14% 57% Median
81 13% 43%  
82 6% 30%  
83 5% 25%  
84 4% 20%  
85 5% 16% Majority
86 5% 11%  
87 4% 6%  
88 0.9% 2%  
89 0.3% 0.8%  
90 0.2% 0.5%  
91 0.2% 0.4%  
92 0.1% 0.1%  
93 0% 0%  

Arbeiderpartiet – Senterpartiet

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
68 0.2% 100% Last Result
69 0.3% 99.8%  
70 0.8% 99.5%  
71 0.7% 98.8%  
72 2% 98%  
73 2% 96%  
74 6% 94%  
75 4% 88%  
76 10% 84%  
77 20% 75%  
78 18% 54% Median
79 15% 37%  
80 5% 21%  
81 4% 16%  
82 4% 12%  
83 5% 8%  
84 2% 3%  
85 0.2% 0.7% Majority
86 0.1% 0.6%  
87 0.3% 0.5%  
88 0.1% 0.2%  
89 0.1% 0.1%  
90 0% 0%  

Arbeiderpartiet – Sosialistisk Venstreparti – Rødt – Miljøpartiet De Grønne

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
57 0% 100%  
58 0.1% 99.9%  
59 0.2% 99.8%  
60 0.6% 99.6%  
61 2% 99.1%  
62 1.5% 97% Last Result
63 2% 95%  
64 4% 93%  
65 3% 89%  
66 4% 86%  
67 12% 82%  
68 9% 70%  
69 11% 61%  
70 4% 50% Median
71 9% 45%  
72 8% 37%  
73 7% 28%  
74 6% 21%  
75 10% 15%  
76 2% 5%  
77 0.8% 3%  
78 0.8% 2%  
79 1.2% 2%  
80 0.1% 0.3%  
81 0.2% 0.2%  
82 0% 0%  

Høyre – Fremskrittspartiet – Miljøpartiet De Grønne – Kristelig Folkeparti – Venstre

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
56 0.1% 100%  
57 0.4% 99.9%  
58 1.5% 99.5%  
59 2% 98%  
60 1.5% 96%  
61 5% 95%  
62 5% 90%  
63 9% 85%  
64 6% 76%  
65 15% 71% Median
66 8% 56%  
67 11% 47%  
68 6% 36%  
69 10% 30%  
70 7% 20%  
71 4% 13%  
72 2% 9%  
73 2% 6%  
74 2% 4%  
75 0.8% 2%  
76 0.9% 1.2%  
77 0.1% 0.3%  
78 0.1% 0.2%  
79 0% 0.1%  
80 0% 0.1%  
81 0% 0%  
82 0% 0%  
83 0% 0%  
84 0% 0%  
85 0% 0% Majority
86 0% 0%  
87 0% 0%  
88 0% 0%  
89 0% 0% Last Result

Høyre – Fremskrittspartiet – Kristelig Folkeparti – Venstre

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
52 0.1% 100%  
53 0.2% 99.9%  
54 0.9% 99.7%  
55 2% 98.8%  
56 3% 97%  
57 4% 94%  
58 9% 90%  
59 7% 82%  
60 8% 75%  
61 18% 67%  
62 7% 49% Median
63 11% 42%  
64 5% 31%  
65 9% 26%  
66 4% 17%  
67 3% 13%  
68 6% 11%  
69 1.3% 5%  
70 0.9% 3%  
71 1.1% 2%  
72 0.7% 1.2%  
73 0.4% 0.6%  
74 0.1% 0.2%  
75 0% 0.1%  
76 0% 0%  
77 0% 0%  
78 0% 0%  
79 0% 0%  
80 0% 0%  
81 0% 0%  
82 0% 0%  
83 0% 0%  
84 0% 0%  
85 0% 0% Majority
86 0% 0%  
87 0% 0%  
88 0% 0% Last Result

Høyre – Fremskrittspartiet – Venstre

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
49 0% 100%  
50 0.2% 99.9%  
51 0.9% 99.8%  
52 0.7% 98.9%  
53 2% 98%  
54 5% 96%  
55 6% 92%  
56 8% 86%  
57 9% 78%  
58 10% 69%  
59 11% 59%  
60 12% 48% Median
61 6% 35%  
62 9% 29%  
63 6% 20%  
64 4% 14%  
65 3% 10%  
66 3% 7%  
67 2% 4%  
68 0.4% 2%  
69 0.9% 2%  
70 0.5% 0.9%  
71 0.4% 0.4%  
72 0% 0.1%  
73 0% 0%  
74 0% 0%  
75 0% 0%  
76 0% 0%  
77 0% 0%  
78 0% 0%  
79 0% 0%  
80 0% 0% Last Result

Arbeiderpartiet – Sosialistisk Venstreparti

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
49 0% 100%  
50 0.1% 99.9%  
51 0.5% 99.8%  
52 1.0% 99.3%  
53 3% 98%  
54 5% 95%  
55 6% 91%  
56 12% 85%  
57 12% 73%  
58 15% 61%  
59 17% 46% Median
60 6% 29% Last Result
61 7% 23%  
62 6% 16%  
63 4% 10%  
64 2% 6%  
65 2% 4%  
66 0.8% 1.4%  
67 0.3% 0.6%  
68 0.1% 0.3%  
69 0.1% 0.2%  
70 0.1% 0.1%  
71 0% 0%  

Høyre – Fremskrittspartiet

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
48 0.1% 100%  
49 0.9% 99.8%  
50 0.7% 99.0%  
51 2% 98%  
52 4% 96%  
53 6% 92%  
54 7% 85%  
55 10% 79%  
56 10% 69%  
57 12% 59%  
58 12% 47% Median
59 6% 36%  
60 10% 29%  
61 5% 19%  
62 4% 14%  
63 3% 9%  
64 3% 7%  
65 2% 4%  
66 0.4% 2%  
67 0.8% 2%  
68 0.5% 0.9%  
69 0.4% 0.4%  
70 0% 0%  
71 0% 0%  
72 0% 0% Last Result

Høyre – Kristelig Folkeparti – Venstre

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
36 0.1% 100%  
37 0.8% 99.8%  
38 4% 99.0%  
39 5% 95%  
40 6% 90%  
41 10% 84%  
42 21% 75%  
43 11% 54% Median
44 9% 43%  
45 13% 34%  
46 7% 22%  
47 6% 15%  
48 3% 9%  
49 3% 6%  
50 1.5% 3%  
51 0.9% 2%  
52 0.3% 0.9%  
53 0.3% 0.5%  
54 0.2% 0.3%  
55 0% 0.1%  
56 0% 0%  
57 0% 0%  
58 0% 0%  
59 0% 0%  
60 0% 0%  
61 0% 0% Last Result

Senterpartiet – Kristelig Folkeparti – Venstre

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
30 0.1% 100%  
31 0.2% 99.9%  
32 0.8% 99.7%  
33 1.2% 98.9%  
34 2% 98%  
35 6% 95% Last Result
36 9% 89%  
37 18% 80%  
38 14% 62% Median
39 11% 47%  
40 13% 36%  
41 7% 23%  
42 5% 16%  
43 4% 11%  
44 3% 7%  
45 2% 4%  
46 1.2% 2%  
47 0.5% 0.9%  
48 0.2% 0.4%  
49 0.1% 0.2%  
50 0.1% 0.1%  
51 0% 0%  

Technical Information

Opinion Poll
