Opinion Poll by Vilmorus for Lietuvos rytas, 7–15 June 2019
Voting Intentions | Seats | Coalitions | Technical Information
Voting Intentions
![Voting Intentions Graph with voting intentions not yet produced](2019-06-15-Vilmorus.png)
Confidence Intervals
Party |
Last Result |
Poll Result |
80% Confidence Interval |
90% Confidence Interval |
95% Confidence Interval |
99% Confidence Interval |
Tėvynės sąjunga–Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai |
22.6% |
26.2% |
24.4–28.0% |
23.9–28.6% |
23.5–29.0% |
22.7–29.9% |
Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga |
22.4% |
23.0% |
21.4–24.8% |
20.9–25.3% |
20.5–25.8% |
19.7–26.6% |
Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija |
15.0% |
12.4% |
11.2–13.9% |
10.8–14.3% |
10.5–14.6% |
9.9–15.4% |
Darbo Partija |
4.9% |
10.4% |
9.2–11.7% |
8.9–12.1% |
8.6–12.5% |
8.1–13.1% |
Partija tvarka ir teisingumas |
7.8% |
9.0% |
7.9–10.2% |
7.6–10.6% |
7.3–10.9% |
6.8–11.6% |
Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija |
5.7% |
4.8% |
4.0–5.8% |
3.8–6.1% |
3.6–6.3% |
3.3–6.8% |
Liberalų Sąjūdis |
9.4% |
4.4% |
3.6–5.3% |
3.4–5.6% |
3.3–5.9% |
2.9–6.3% |
Lietuvos socialdemokratų darbo partija |
0.0% |
3.4% |
2.7–4.2% |
2.5–4.5% |
2.4–4.7% |
2.1–5.1% |
Laisvės partija |
0.0% |
3.4% |
2.7–4.2% |
2.5–4.5% |
2.4–4.7% |
2.1–5.1% |
Centro partija „Gerovės Lietuva“ |
0.0% |
2.1% |
1.6–2.9% |
1.5–3.1% |
1.4–3.3% |
1.2–3.6% |
Note: The poll result column reflects the actual value used in the calculations. Published results may vary slightly, and in addition be rounded to fewer digits.
![Seats Graph with seats not yet produced](2019-06-15-Vilmorus-seats.png)
![Seating Plan Graph with seating plan not yet produced](2019-06-15-Vilmorus-seating-plan.png)
Confidence Intervals
Tėvynės sąjunga–Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai
For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Tėvynės sąjunga–Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai page.
![Seats Probability Mass Function Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced](2019-06-15-Vilmorus-seats-pmf-tėvynėssąjunga–lietuvoskrikščionysdemokratai.png)
Number of Seats |
Probability |
Accumulated |
Special Marks |
17 |
0.1% |
100% |
18 |
1.3% |
99.9% |
19 |
4% |
98.6% |
20 |
12% |
95% |
21 |
24% |
83% |
22 |
25% |
59% |
Median |
23 |
21% |
35% |
24 |
10% |
14% |
25 |
3% |
4% |
26 |
1.1% |
1.1% |
27 |
0% |
0% |
28 |
0% |
0% |
29 |
0% |
0% |
30 |
0% |
0% |
31 |
0% |
0% |
Last Result |
Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga
For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga page.
![Seats Probability Mass Function Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced](2019-06-15-Vilmorus-seats-pmf-lietuvosvalstiečiųiržaliųjųsąjunga.png)
Number of Seats |
Probability |
Accumulated |
Special Marks |
15 |
0.1% |
100% |
16 |
2% |
99.9% |
17 |
9% |
98% |
18 |
14% |
89% |
19 |
30% |
75% |
Median |
20 |
23% |
46% |
21 |
17% |
23% |
22 |
5% |
6% |
23 |
0.7% |
0.7% |
24 |
0% |
0% |
25 |
0% |
0% |
26 |
0% |
0% |
27 |
0% |
0% |
28 |
0% |
0% |
29 |
0% |
0% |
30 |
0% |
0% |
31 |
0% |
0% |
32 |
0% |
0% |
33 |
0% |
0% |
34 |
0% |
0% |
35 |
0% |
0% |
36 |
0% |
0% |
37 |
0% |
0% |
38 |
0% |
0% |
39 |
0% |
0% |
40 |
0% |
0% |
41 |
0% |
0% |
42 |
0% |
0% |
43 |
0% |
0% |
44 |
0% |
0% |
45 |
0% |
0% |
46 |
0% |
0% |
47 |
0% |
0% |
48 |
0% |
0% |
49 |
0% |
0% |
50 |
0% |
0% |
51 |
0% |
0% |
52 |
0% |
0% |
53 |
0% |
0% |
54 |
0% |
0% |
Last Result |
Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija
For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija page.
![Seats Probability Mass Function Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced](2019-06-15-Vilmorus-seats-pmf-lietuvossocialdemokratųpartija.png)
Number of Seats |
Probability |
Accumulated |
Special Marks |
7 |
0.1% |
100% |
8 |
5% |
99.9% |
9 |
22% |
95% |
10 |
38% |
73% |
Median |
11 |
28% |
35% |
12 |
6% |
7% |
13 |
0.6% |
0.7% |
14 |
0.1% |
0.1% |
15 |
0% |
0% |
16 |
0% |
0% |
17 |
0% |
0% |
Last Result |
Darbo Partija
For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Darbo Partija page.
![Seats Probability Mass Function Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced](2019-06-15-Vilmorus-seats-pmf-darbopartija.png)
Number of Seats |
Probability |
Accumulated |
Special Marks |
2 |
0% |
100% |
Last Result |
3 |
0% |
100% |
4 |
0% |
100% |
5 |
0% |
100% |
6 |
1.0% |
100% |
7 |
9% |
99.0% |
8 |
44% |
90% |
Median |
9 |
30% |
46% |
10 |
14% |
16% |
11 |
2% |
2% |
12 |
0.1% |
0.1% |
13 |
0% |
0% |
Partija tvarka ir teisingumas
For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Partija tvarka ir teisingumas page.
![Seats Probability Mass Function Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced](2019-06-15-Vilmorus-seats-pmf-partijatvarkairteisingumas.png)
Number of Seats |
Probability |
Accumulated |
Special Marks |
5 |
0.2% |
100% |
6 |
6% |
99.8% |
7 |
39% |
94% |
8 |
36% |
55% |
Last Result, Median |
9 |
16% |
19% |
10 |
3% |
3% |
11 |
0% |
0% |
Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija
For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija page.
![Seats Probability Mass Function Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced](2019-06-15-Vilmorus-seats-pmf-lietuvoslenkųrinkimųakcija.png)
Number of Seats |
Probability |
Accumulated |
Special Marks |
0 |
64% |
100% |
Median |
1 |
0% |
36% |
2 |
0% |
36% |
3 |
0% |
36% |
4 |
24% |
36% |
5 |
10% |
12% |
6 |
2% |
2% |
7 |
0% |
0% |
8 |
0% |
0% |
Last Result |
Liberalų Sąjūdis
For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Liberalų Sąjūdis page.
![Seats Probability Mass Function Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced](2019-06-15-Vilmorus-seats-pmf-liberalųsąjūdis.png)
Number of Seats |
Probability |
Accumulated |
Special Marks |
0 |
83% |
100% |
Median |
1 |
0% |
17% |
2 |
0% |
17% |
3 |
0% |
17% |
4 |
12% |
17% |
5 |
5% |
5% |
6 |
0.1% |
0.1% |
7 |
0% |
0% |
8 |
0% |
0% |
9 |
0% |
0% |
10 |
0% |
0% |
11 |
0% |
0% |
12 |
0% |
0% |
13 |
0% |
0% |
14 |
0% |
0% |
Last Result |
Lietuvos socialdemokratų darbo partija
For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Lietuvos socialdemokratų darbo partija page.
![Seats Probability Mass Function Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced](2019-06-15-Vilmorus-seats-pmf-lietuvossocialdemokratųdarbopartija.png)
Number of Seats |
Probability |
Accumulated |
Special Marks |
0 |
99.3% |
100% |
Last Result, Median |
1 |
0% |
0.7% |
2 |
0% |
0.7% |
3 |
0% |
0.7% |
4 |
0.7% |
0.7% |
5 |
0.1% |
0.1% |
6 |
0% |
0% |
Laisvės partija
For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Laisvės partija page.
![Seats Probability Mass Function Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced](2019-06-15-Vilmorus-seats-pmf-laisvėspartija.png)
Number of Seats |
Probability |
Accumulated |
Special Marks |
0 |
99.5% |
100% |
Last Result, Median |
1 |
0% |
0.5% |
2 |
0% |
0.5% |
3 |
0% |
0.5% |
4 |
0.5% |
0.5% |
5 |
0% |
0% |
Centro partija „Gerovės Lietuva“
For a full overview of the results for this party, see the Centro partija „Gerovės Lietuva“ page.
![Seats Probability Mass Function Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced](2019-06-15-Vilmorus-seats-pmf-centropartija„gerovėslietuva“.png)
Number of Seats |
Probability |
Accumulated |
Special Marks |
0 |
100% |
100% |
Last Result, Median |
![Coalitions Seats Graph with coalitions seats not yet produced](2019-06-15-Vilmorus-coalitions-seats.png)
Confidence Intervals
Coalition |
Last Result |
Median |
Majority? |
80% Confidence Interval |
90% Confidence Interval |
95% Confidence Interval |
99% Confidence Interval |
Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga – Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija |
71 |
29 |
0% |
27–32 |
27–32 |
26–32 |
25–33 |
Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga – Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija
![Seats Probability Mass Function Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced](2019-06-15-Vilmorus-coalitions-seats-pmf-lvžs–lsdp.png)
Number of Seats |
Probability |
Accumulated |
Special Marks |
25 |
0.6% |
100% |
26 |
4% |
99.4% |
27 |
9% |
95% |
28 |
15% |
87% |
29 |
26% |
72% |
Median |
30 |
16% |
46% |
31 |
10% |
29% |
32 |
18% |
19% |
33 |
1.4% |
2% |
34 |
0.1% |
0.2% |
35 |
0.1% |
0.1% |
36 |
0% |
0% |
37 |
0% |
0% |
38 |
0% |
0% |
39 |
0% |
0% |
40 |
0% |
0% |
41 |
0% |
0% |
42 |
0% |
0% |
43 |
0% |
0% |
44 |
0% |
0% |
45 |
0% |
0% |
46 |
0% |
0% |
47 |
0% |
0% |
48 |
0% |
0% |
49 |
0% |
0% |
50 |
0% |
0% |
51 |
0% |
0% |
52 |
0% |
0% |
53 |
0% |
0% |
54 |
0% |
0% |
55 |
0% |
0% |
56 |
0% |
0% |
57 |
0% |
0% |
58 |
0% |
0% |
59 |
0% |
0% |
60 |
0% |
0% |
61 |
0% |
0% |
62 |
0% |
0% |
63 |
0% |
0% |
64 |
0% |
0% |
65 |
0% |
0% |
66 |
0% |
0% |
67 |
0% |
0% |
68 |
0% |
0% |
69 |
0% |
0% |
70 |
0% |
0% |
71 |
0% |
0% |
Last Result, Majority |
Opinion Poll
- Polling firm: Vilmorus
- Commissioner(s): Lietuvos rytas
- Fieldwork period: 7–15 June 2019
- Sample size: 982
- Simulations done: 1,048,576
- Error estimate: 1.54%