Πλεύση Ελευθερίας (NI)

Voting Intentions | Seats

Voting Intentions

Last result: 0.0% (General Election of 9 June 2024)

Confidence Intervals

Period Polling firm/Commissioner(s) Median 80% Confidence Interval 90% Confidence Interval 95% Confidence Interval 99% Confidence Interval
N/A Poll Average 4.6% 3.6–5.7% 3.4–6.0% 3.2–6.3% 2.8–6.9%
13–18 September 2024 MRB
Open TV
5.2% 4.5–6.1% 4.3–6.4% 4.1–6.6% 3.7–7.0%
13–16 September 2024 Pulse RC
4.9% 4.2–5.9% 4.0–6.2% 3.8–6.4% 3.4–6.9%
9–14 September 2024 Alco
Alpha TV
4.0% 3.2–5.1% 3.0–5.4% 2.8–5.7% 2.5–6.2%
2–11 September 2024 Data RC
4.3% 3.5–5.3% 3.3–5.6% 3.1–5.8% 2.8–6.4%
4–10 September 2024 Metron Analysis
Mega TV
5.3% 4.5–6.3% 4.2–6.6% 4.0–6.9% 3.7–7.4%
8–10 September 2024 GPO
Star TV
4.3% 3.6–5.3% 3.4–5.6% 3.2–5.8% 2.9–6.3%
2–6 September 2024 Interview
4.4% 3.6–5.3% 3.4–5.6% 3.2–5.8% 2.9–6.3%
27–30 August 2024 Opinion Poll
Action 24
4.1% 3.4–5.0% 3.2–5.3% 3.1–5.5% 2.8–6.0%
26–30 August 2024 MRB
Open TV
6.8% 6.0–7.8% 5.8–8.1% 5.6–8.4% 5.2–8.9%
21–26 August 2024 Interview
4.7% 4.2–5.3% 4.0–5.5% 3.9–5.6% 3.7–5.9%
27 June–4 July 2024 MRB 4.3% 3.7–5.0% 3.6–5.2% 3.4–5.4% 3.2–5.7%
21 June–1 July 2024 Metron Analysis
Mega TV
5.7% 4.9–6.7% 4.7–7.0% 4.5–7.2% 4.1–7.7%
25–28 June 2024 Κάπα Research 3.6% 3.0–4.4% 2.9–4.6% 2.7–4.8% 2.5–5.1%
17–19 June 2024 GPO
Star TV
3.6% 2.9–4.5% 2.8–4.7% 2.6–4.9% 2.3–5.4%

Probability Mass Function

The following table shows the probability mass function per percentage block of voting intentions for the poll average for Πλεύση Ελευθερίας (NI).

Voting Intentions Probability Accumulated Special Marks
0.0–0.5% 0% 100% Last Result
0.5–1.5% 0% 100%  
1.5–2.5% 0.1% 100%  
2.5–3.5% 8% 99.9%  
3.5–4.5% 39% 92%  
4.5–5.5% 39% 53% Median
5.5–6.5% 13% 14%  
6.5–7.5% 1.3% 1.4%  
7.5–8.5% 0.1% 0.1%  
8.5–9.5% 0% 0%  


Last result: 0 seats (General Election of 9 June 2024)

Confidence Intervals

Period Polling firm/Commissioner(s) Median 80% Confidence Interval 90% Confidence Interval 95% Confidence Interval 99% Confidence Interval
N/A Poll Average 1 1 1 1 0–2
13–18 September 2024 MRB
Open TV
1 1 1 1 1–2
13–16 September 2024 Pulse RC
1 1 1 1 1–2
9–14 September 2024 Alco
Alpha TV
1 1 0–1 0–1 0–1
2–11 September 2024 Data RC
1 1 1 1 0–1
4–10 September 2024 Metron Analysis
Mega TV
1 1 1–2 1–2 1–2
8–10 September 2024 GPO
Star TV
1 1 1 1 0–2
2–6 September 2024 Interview
1 1 1 1 0–1
27–30 August 2024 Opinion Poll
Action 24
1 1 1 1 0–1
26–30 August 2024 MRB
Open TV
1 1–2 1–2 1–2 1–2
21–26 August 2024 Interview
1 1 1 1 1
27 June–4 July 2024 MRB 1 1 1 1 1
21 June–1 July 2024 Metron Analysis
Mega TV
1 1–2 1–2 1–2 1–2
25–28 June 2024 Κάπα Research 1 1 0–1 0–1 0–1
17–19 June 2024 GPO
Star TV
1 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–1

Probability Mass Function

Graph with seats probability mass function not yet produced

The following table shows the probability mass function per seat for the poll average for Πλεύση Ελευθερίας (NI).

Number of Seats Probability Accumulated Special Marks
0 2% 100% Last Result
1 97% 98% Median
2 1.4% 1.4%  
3 0% 0%